When is tuition due?
- Monthly tuition is due the first of each month, September-May.
- Three month tuition is due the first of September, December and March.
- Half year tuition is due September 1st and January 15th.
- There is a five dollar late fee for tuition not paid within 15 days of due date.
Is tuition refundable?
Tuition is not refundable. Tuition can be paid in as little as one month increments. If you are unsure of how long your student will be able to commit to dance, please pay monthly. If a student has attended at least one class in the month, tuition is due and non-refundable.
What color leotard will my child wear?
All students of the Main Street Dance Academy will adhere to the dress code explained in the dress code section of the handbook. Students in any pre-dance or beginner program will wear pink leotards and white tights. Students in any intermediate, accelerated or advance program will wear black leotards and white tights.
How is class placement decided?
Class placement is based on age, ability level, attendance and many other factors.
What holidays are observed by Main Street Dance Academy?
Main Street Dance Academy will be closed on Halloween, Thanksgiving and the weekend following, and two weeks at Christmas. There will be regular classes on all Mondays, holidays and during spring break.
Can I watch my child during class?
There is no viewing during class. Once class routine is established and the students are comfortable with the class, there will be an attempt to leave the doors open either at the beginning or end of class so parents can view. Parents are always welcome to stay during class. There is a lobby where parents can relax and listen to all that happens during class time.
What should I do if my child is absent?
At one time or another, all students will be absent. For most students, make-up classes are available and recommended. Please contact the studio by phone or email when your student is expected to be absent. As long as notification is received, your student will be excused and eligible for a make-up. Please schedule a make-up as soon as possible after the absence.
The only time make-ups are not advised is during show preparations. In the last few weeks before show, attending a different class is confusing and detrimental to students.
What can I, as a parent, do to help my child?
- The best thing a parent can do is get their child to class regularly. Students that miss often get behind and frustrated and do not enjoy themselves.
- Please have a bag for your child that is easily identifiable so shoe change time is quick and easy.
- Allow and encourage your child to bring water to drink at shoe change time. Small cups will be offered the first few weeks of the year, but each student should be responsible for their own drink by October 1st.
- Please be on time to pick up your child.